Our Mission Is To Equip First Responders With The Knowledge, Skills, And Tools Necessary To Interact With Individuals On The Autism Spectrum Effectively.

Individuals with autism may present or communicate differently in distressing situations.

That’s why through our specialized training programs and resources, our aim is to enhance the understanding of autism, promote empathy, and create safer encounters for both individuals on the spectrum and the first responders who serve them.

Here's How

Identifying Autism Effectively

We provide the essential tools and knowledge for first responders to ask key questions that lead to helpful encounters.

Instilling Confidence in Emergency Situations

Confidence and preparedness ensure that first responders are well-equipped to handle any emergency with sensitivity and expertise.

Fostering Positive Interactions

By arming first responders with insights into the unique needs of individuals with autism, we’re helping create more positive and inclusive community interactions.

Making a Lasting Difference

We believe in the power of compassion and understanding to transform lives. Our goal is to make a lasting impact on individuals affected by autism through informed and compassionate crisis responses.


At the heart of Preston’s Pursuit for Acceptance is a personal journey between Chris and Autumn Timmins. Chris, with twenty-five years of experience in law enforcement, and Autumn are adoptive parents of Preston, their 17-year-old child on the autism spectrum, who have devoted themselves to reshaping the inclusivity of emergency response. Their commitment stems from a desire to foster a culture of knowledge, acceptance, and inclusion of individuals with autism within the first responder community.

Preston has taught Chris & Autumn a lot about the value of slowing down to understand that everyone has different needs and responses, especially when in distress. At the heart of their non-profit is a true desire for everyone — including those who are on the autism spectrum — to get the help they need when they need it the most.

Every encounter is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact and create trust within the community. Through their experience as parents and a first responder, Chris & Autumn Timmins are leading the charge on helping our heroes protect and serve everyone in their communities.


Get to know the individuals who are pushing our mission forward, one encounter at a time.

Autumn Timmins


Chris Timmins

Co-Founder/Vice President

Patrick Banger

Board Member

Col. John Boggs

Board Member

Nikki Shipp

Board Member

Paul McHale

Board Member

Cindy McHale

Board Member

Chief Rob Duggan

Board Member

Ron Bayne

Board Member

Allyna Bay

Board Member