Our Mission Is To Equip First Responders With The Knowledge, Skills, And Tools Necessary To Interact With Individuals On The Autism Spectrum Effectively.

Patrick S. Banger

Patrick S. Banger was appointed City Manager in August 2011. Patrick has more than 24 years of local government experience in addition to 7 years of executive level leadership in the private sector.

During Patrick’s tenure Gilbert has become the 79th largest city in the U.S., with a growing population of 281,436. Patrick has been a key leader in the process of transforming Gilbert into one of the most sought-after places for residential living and corporate expansions and relocations. He is a forward-thinking, change-orientated leader and has been instrumental in helping Gilbert become one of the most prestigious and award-winning communities in the nation.  Since 2011, Gilbert’s financial performance has excelled and was recognized as the top performing city in the nation post-recession, tripling its general fund reserves, and receiving thirty six credit rating upgrades culminating in AAA ratings from all three agencies; Moody’s Investor Service, Fitch and S&P placing Gilbert in the top .002% of cities in the nation.

Patrick has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from Missouri State University and a Master of Arts Degree in Management from Webster University. He is an active member of the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Sr. Staff Committee, Past Chairman of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Management Board, current President-elect of the Arizona City/County Management Association (ACMA) and a former Honorary Base Commander at Luke Air Force Base.  He also received the 2019 John J. ‘Jack’ Debolski Award for Excellence in City Management by the Arizona City/County Management Association, the highest award ACMA bestows on a public official.