Our Mission Is To Equip First Responders With The Knowledge, Skills, And Tools Necessary To Interact With Individuals On The Autism Spectrum Effectively.

Autumn Timmins

Autumn Timmins is the Founder and President of Preston’s Pursuit for Acceptance (PPA), a non-profit geared towards providing first responders with tools for effective interactions with persons on the spectrum. Autumn is driven, empathetic, and bold, providing her with the patience and strength to advocate for those often less capable of self-advocation. Autumn has navigated the education system hurdles of being a parent of a child on the spectrum and Individualized Education Plans (IEP) through advocation, diligent attention to detail, and resiliency for the last sixteen years and counting.

Additionally, Autumn has worked with many providers through Arizona’s Division of Developmental Disabilities and medical providers to get her son the services he needs for his continued growth and potential. Autumn believes advocation and accountability are paramount to growth and reaching for the stars for those on the spectrum. Her advocacy and passion extend to all individuals within the disability community, through her volunteer work with organizations such as the Special Olympics and Arizona Autism.

Autumn has professional experience as a marketing representative for a title company in the valley where the client base was in the North Scottsdale area. Autumn previously was a lead instructor for a national airline carrier as an in-flight instructor with a focus on hospitality and safety procedures. Autumn also managed many restaurants and businesses prior to her becoming a mother of a child on the spectrum and dedicating her life to his success and growth.

Autumn has a Bachelor of Science degree from Northern Arizona University, with an emphasis in business administration/hotel & restaurant management. She loves to live life to the fullest, rarely backs down from a challenge and would love to live near the ocean. Autumn has been married 21 years, with two boys, two rescue dogs, and one desert tortoise.